Corporate Responsibility
This policy sets out Hentley’s policy on combatting "forced labour" in our business and supply chain. The term "forced labour" used in this policy includes slavery, servitude, any forced or compulsory labour and trafficking for exploitation.
We condemn the use and exploitation of "forced labour", and we expect all those who work for us to share our zero-tolerance approach. Eradicating "forced labour" is consistent with our ethical principles and essential to protecting our reputation, as an ethical business.
Our responsibilities
Our board of directors (the “Board”) is responsible overall for ensuring that this policy and our annual slavery and human trafficking statement (see below) comply with our legal and ethical duties.
What we are doing
We are confident that we employ no forced labour directly within our business. However, we regularly review that and also assess our supply chain with a view to ensuring that there is no use of forced labour within the supply chain.
We take the following steps to prevent, evaluate and address risks of forced labour in our supply chain:
We have established a Supplier Code of Conduct (see Annex 1) with which we expect our suppliers to comply. We may impose contractual obligations requiring compliance;
We review our supply chains annually to evaluate forced labour risk and take appropriate steps to address any identified threats.
We consider the conduct of each supplier against the Supplier Code of Conduct when awarding and renewing business with the supplier.
We train personnel working with our supply chain on forced labour and the Supplier Code of Conduct, with a view to reducing the risks of forced labour in our supply chain.
Employee responsibilities
Managers are responsible for ensuring that this policy is applied within their area of responsibility.
Our employees are expected to be alert to any indicators of forced labour in our business or supply chain.
Any reference in this policy to ‘our’, ‘we’ or ‘us’ is to Hentley.